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[China]Acetylation glutathione/Alpha Cyclodextrin inclusion complex

Glutathione (GSH) is your body A.I.D. (A- antioxidant, I- immune system, D- detoxifier). It is a small protein molecule formed from the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid.
Glutathione is manufactured inside your cells. Your cell's ability to make glutathione is determined by the supply of raw materials (or glutathione precursors), in particular of the amino acid cysteine.
Glutathione, the Master Antioxidant
But more importantly, glutathione is your body's master antioxidant and one of the most important healing agents. The highest concentration of glutathione is found in the liver which is the principal organ involved in the detoxification and elimination of toxic materials.
Interestingly, glutathione also acts to reconstitute the antioxidant vitamins C and E after they have been oxidized, and therefore plays a determinant role in their function.
Glutathione, the "Superfood"
Glutathione is one of the 14 "Superfoods" listed in SuperFoods Rx : Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life, co-authored by Dr Steven Pratt, an authority on food and ageing.
The list is based on an exhaustive study of the scientific research behind the world's best daily diets, and includes the 14 nutrients that show up consistently in the most health-promoting, disease-preventing, anti-aging diets in the world.
Glutathione, the Life Extension Molecule
Low glutathione levels are found in immune compromised individuals, neuro-degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, ALS, Alzheimers, and Parkinson's disease, atherosclerosis, male infertility, pregnancy complications, cataracts, damage from many pharmaceutical drugs, cancer and poor survival rates for patients with AIDS.
High levels of glutathione appear to protect against the dangers of cancer, heart disease, premature aging, autoimmune diseases, and chronic illnesses.

Category: Food & Beverages -> Health food

Maxdragon (GZ) BioChem Ltd.

Street:RM305B, GuangXingHua Bldg, 18# 2th St., South SiYou, Dongshan Zone
Postal code:510600
Phone: +86 20 87384586
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Contact person

Name and Surname: Tiger Guo
Phone: +86 20 87384586
Mobile: +86 13902262792